Our Mission
We empower vulnerable and trafficked women through the business of fashion.
Our vision is a world where slavery no longer exists.
Over 40 million people around the world are trapped in Modern slavery. Of those, 71 percent are women and girls.
Modern slavery is a term used in the Modern Slavery Act 2015 encompassing slavery, servitude,
forced and compulsory labour, as well as human trafficking.
These violations of human rights are prevalent, occurring in all parts of the world and affecting all sectors and industries.
However, it is no secret that the global fashion industry is accountable for millions of people living under conditions
of forced labour with vulnerable women at the greatest risk of falling victim to
the fashion trade through exploitation.
We created Beulah as a force to fight slavery. We exist to empower vulnerable and previously trafficked women
to become economically independent and break free from cycles of exploitation and poverty.Our alternative business
model - what we have termed our Freedom Model - is a virtuous circle built to enable the women in our
supply chain to gain sustainable employment by incorporating traditional crafts techniques
such as hand-weaving and embroidery into our collections. This way, Beulah empowers vulnerable women and
opens up opportunities for them to define their future. We believe our responsibility extends throughout
the value chain. We place a strong emphasis on collaboration with our Impact partners,
suppliers and customers to increase our leverage and generate a bigger impact and greater change.
Together, we’re creating a sustainable, commercial, and creative vehicle that proves luxury fashion can be used as a force for good.
We founded Beulah to showcase the beautiful garments and accessories made by women rehabilitating
from trafficking. We maintain our passion for the vibrant colours, intricate patterns, striking designs and innate
quality found in the traditional textiles and crafts of the east, and incorporate these as a
core element of our collections.
For our Freedom Designs, we work with our Impact Partners; NGOs, fair trade co-operatives and small specialist
manufacturers, where the women they employ use artisanal techniques such as
hand-embroidery, block printing and hand spinning.
We champion and celebrate the profound and timeless skills
of these makers by providing a platform through which they
can share their craft and generate a regular income. Empowering
women economically improves their status in the community,
builds self-esteem and enables their independence.
Product design is focused on showcasing Impact Partners craft techniques vulnerable women
are provided with sustainable employment through the production of our collections.
Impact Partners train and employ more women and develop new craft techniques and skills.
Each Beulah design represents much more than it’s material form; it is food for her family,
her children’s education, and hope for her future. Join us in our mission
to end slavery - explore the collection.
Closer to home, Beulah works with partners and our community to develop life-skills and create economic
independence for disadvantaged women. From supporting employability training and providing work placements
to survivors of trafficking, to offering a workwear donation point within our boutique, Beulah empowers
women to rebuild their confidence and emerge as full participants in society.
Right here in the UK, we work with partners to develop life-skills
and create economic independence for disadvantaged women. We
support employability training and providing work placements to women
supported by the Sophie Hayes Foundation, which provides survivors
of trafficking with support to rebuild their confidence, purpose
and employability through vocational work placements.
Each woman joins us at our head office over a 6-week period during
which they gain experience in design, production, finance, marketing
and sales, giving them real world skills, experience and
a professional reference.
We host gatherings, talks and workshops throughout the year that educate, celebrate and empower women and give
our community the opportunity to come together in conversation and shared motivation to fight slavery. Sign up
to our newsletter to gain early access to our programme of events.
From design inspiration and wardrobe how to's, to behind the scenes with our makers, we regularly publish thought
pieces and articles on our online journal, The Edit. Our In Conversation with interview series features
women who inspire and are aligned with our mission to fight slavery.
Throughout the year we call upon our community to
help us use Beulah as a platform to shine a light on slavery
and help raise funds for The Beulah Trust, which oversees
Beulah’s charitable donations.
In honour of 2019’s Anti-Slavery Day, we designed a slogan t-shirt to promote our core philosophy that every human
deserves a life of freedom. 100% of the profits from the sale of the t-shirts went towards supporting former victims of trafficking
through charity, Justice & Care. A charity that rescues victims from slavery, brings to justice the criminal networks responsible
and spark systemic change here in the UK and overseas.
Be The Voice
On 2018 International Women’s Day our Be the Voice Campaign saw 50% of the profits from the sale of every Shibani
scarf donated to @YouCanFreeUs who work to rehabilitate women from sexual slavery.
Through a collaboration with the charity YouCanFreeUs, photographer Danielle Valimont and illustrator LulaHerself,
we created a series of portraits with women who have been rescued from human trafficking. Every portrait sold
raised money for our YouCanFreeUs, and equally important, helped to raise awareness around modern day slavery.
We designed silk ties which were gifted with each purchase in order to bless the gift to loved ones. Ties were made by
our Impact partners who specialise in hand block printing.
Beulah is helping to shape the world we want to live in by using fashion
as a force for good across every facet of our business:
We provide meaningful employment opportunities
to projects run by our Impact Partners that support vulnerable
and previously trafficked women.
We support charities and communities both locally and across
the world. We have set up the Beulah Trust to oversee our donations
and ensure our charitable work is effectively managed and the
impactmeasured, reviewed and built upon.
The Beulah Trust has recently made a grant to Thanapara Swallows which will fund the training
of 30 more local women in embroidery. The grant will also go towards the installation of a screen
printing machine and cover the cost of a trainer to upskill five women
with this specialist skill over a two month period.
We're creating a sustainable, commercial, and creative vehicle that will provide an alternative livelihood to vulnerable women. We do this by incorporating traditional craft techniques such as hand-weaving and embroidery into our collections, enabling the women in our supply chain to gain meaningful employment.
We work with
Who are joining us in our cause to empower women through the business of fashion.